How we work
Engage & Consult:
We understand your needs, challenges and desired outcomes by engaging and consulting with your organization. Our product planning department provides specialized consulting throughout the entire process of new material development.
Brand Design:
Install & Activate Our team make sure that your new wellbeing protocols are integrated seamlessly to meet your needs. Our ultimate goal is to strengthen your brand competitiveness at every stage, from brand concept proposal to container and package design.
Evaluate & Plan:
We devise a customized plan by cross-correlating the 10 key wellness protocols. We enhance your manufacturing effectiveness by implementing world-class best practices in manufacturing and customized consulting.
Support, Measure & Trend analysis:
We work with your team to bring maximized benefit to health, productivity and well-being. We strive to bring success to your business with our market insight accumulated through years of in-depth analysis in health functional food consumption trends. We provide access to our database of best practices, research and thought leadership on relevant topics to licensed users of our subscription-based program.
One-Stop Production:
Source & Manufacture Our business experiences make one-stop production possible from sourcing to manufacturing your wellness products and programs.

Customized Services
Our custom probiotics are formulated based on your gut microflora data. Take our gut health test, then receive your personalized probiotics.
Business Development
Our mission is to create long-lasting, sustainable and strategic partnerships with customers and to provide them with the distinct competitive advantages that help them succeed in the market. We accomplish this by delivering innovative, high-quality and competitive probiotic solutions and by offering access to our in-house expertise and sales support. We are a flexible business partner and are looking forward to starting a fruitful collaboration with you!
Scientific Conference
We arrange scientific conferences which are important because it provides opportunities to meet people, exchange or develop ideas, new strategies to approach your research, establish collaborations, getting suggestions about their work, and get inspired. Conferences are both overwhelming and intimidating with many benefits.
Regulatory Consultancy
We offer the largest breadth of regulatory support services in the nutraceutical, phytomedicines and complementary medicines industries, including customized consulting services to meet the needs of your business.
Product Launch & Line Extensions
We provide planned efforts to bring your new product to market. Product launch and Line Extensions plans help you sequence the events that lead up to and even past a product launch date. Our goal is to make sure that everyone inside the company, your partners and target customers know about your new product.
Marketing Support
Our Marketing Support Service provides the capacity to support marketing activities and increase the marketing efficiency of marketer. It corporate marketing activities such as Conference, Webinar and Sales Roads Shows. Marketing Support Service allows directing effort where it counts and accelerating successful campaign, adding rapid capacity to existing marketing teams.